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Prevent Stains on White Fillings

health teeth and gums

One of the most appreciated advancements in dentistry in the last decade has been the development of white fillings. Also referred to as tooth-colored fillings, white fillings allow patients to have cavities filled without the embarrassment of dark spots on their teeth from amalgam fillings. White fillings are a very subtle way to restore the…

Don’t Neglect Your Teeth This Holiday Season

girl in dental chair during dentist appointment

Halloween has come and gone, but Thanksgiving, Hanukah, and Christmas are right around the corner. With holiday parties filled with holiday goodies filling up everyone’s calendar, it is important that you do not neglect your teeth during this holiday season. Many people worry about gaining 5 – 10 pounds from now until the end of…

Dental Insurance: Don’t Lose Out on Your Benefits

dental insurance form

When it comes to money, no one likes to see it go to waste. There is nothing more frustrating than spending money on something that you never use. You may think of this in terms of food thrown away after it has molded in the fridge or a new grill that you’ve only fired up…

Help Your Child’s Teeth Last with Dental Sealants

pediatric dental exam

If we told you there was a way to protect your child’s teeth with minimal effort, would you be interested? Of course! Our lives are busier than ever and finding time for extra dental appointments is often a challenge. Between school, sports, travel, and family time – there is often no such thing as “extra…

It’s Time For School

two smiling schoolgirls

It’s almost time for school to begin again. Doesn’t it seem like the kids just got out of school? August 21 is the first official day of school for the Charleston County School District. You can see this and other important dates on their 2019-2020 Academic Calendar. As you’re preparing for school by purchasing all…

You Don’t Have To Be Born With It To Achieve It 07/10/2019

perfect smile after cosmetic dentistry treatment

Do you remember the tagline, “Maybe she’s born with it?” The next part of the tagline says, “Maybe it’s Maybelline.” It was a popular advertising slogan, and it worked. It made everyone wonder if a woman wearing Maybelline’s makeup was actually wearing makeup, or if it was a natural beauty. The slogan was famous because…

Fears Related To Dental Visits

anxious woman with fear of dentist before dental treatment

Fear is a genuine emotion that can manifest itself very differently from person to person. For some, sweat, trembling and a rapid heartbeat are common in fearful situations. For others, hot flashes, chills or pain and tightness accompany their fearful situations. Fear is common and varies from person to person and often depends on history…

Protecting Your Smile While You Sleep

sleeping snoring man

Did you know you can harm your smile while you sleep? Dangerous nighttime habits can destroy your teeth and your smile at the same time. The two most common practices that can damage your teeth are grinding and clenching. Grinding Your Teeth Bruxism is the term used for teeth grinding. It is characterized by moving…

Baby, We Love Your Teeth

pediatric dentist educating little boy on oral health

“Hippity Hoppity, Easter’s On Its Way” There are so many things your littles love during this time of year! The Easter season is surrounded by all things sweet, fluffy, cuddly, hoppity and new. It’s a fun time for parents as well as they plan, hide and create memories to last a lifetime. Peninsula Cosmetic &…

The Ins And Outs Of Root Canal Therapy

woman with dental pain sitting in dental chair before treatment

A root canal is a dental procedure or endodontic therapy. There are a variety of reasons why it might be necessary for you to undergo this type of treatment. Root canals are performed when the nerve or pulp of your tooth becomes infected and inflamed as a result of decay, a cracked or broken tooth…

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Join our Premier Plan Today

Dentistry should be as affordable as it is high-quality. At Peninsula Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, we firmly believe that the terms of a dental insurance plan (or lack thereof) should not dictate the quality of care our patients deserve. That’s why we are pleased to offer our in-house savings plan.

Now, patients who are uninsured can STILL save on general, preventative, and even ortho services!

Savannah Highway

538 Savannah Hwy
Charleston SC 29407

Monday - Thursday 8am - 5pm
Lunch break: 1pm - 2pm

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(843) 507-5481
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Wappoo Road

839 Wappoo Road
Charleston SC 29407

Monday - Thursday 8am - 5pm
Lunch break: 1pm - 2pm

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(843) 896-3901
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