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Talking Teeth

young beautiful woman with perfect smile

Most people believe that your tongue is the main mechanism that helps you talk, and it is. Your teeth play a large part in your speech as well. But did you know that your teeth also could talk? While your teeth don’t literally utter words, they can tell stories about your oral habits and care.…

The Scents Of Relaxation

woman under dental sedation

Do you struggle with your thoughts moving at a pace and pattern of a monkey? Do they tend to swing from branch to branch getting caught in messy vines of stress and fears? If you identify with this, then you may be seeking a sense of calm and relaxation, and a place of rest for…

Watch Your Diet and Protect Your Teeth


Most surely you have heard the adage, “You are what you eat.” While this does not mean that you will turn into a banana or a piece of pizza, it does mean that your dietary choices will have a direct impact on the health of your teeth. When you think about it, your mouth is…

Don’t Put Off Treatment For A Painful Tooth

woman with dental pain sitting in dental chair before treatment

Americans, in general, are great procrastinators. Busy work, family, and social schedules make it easy to put off things that should be done. People often battle between what is “important” and what is “urgent” because over packed schedules typically do not allow for both. Yet, it is inevitable that things will come up that demand…

Gingivitis is Common in Children

parents with daughter at family dentistry

Periodontal disease, commonly referred to as gum disease, is an infection that can impact your entire mouth. It begins with plaque, a white film that cakes onto the teeth and solidifies to form tartar. Plaque and tartar transport aggressive and dangerous bacteria that settle into the gums. The disease has three stages: Gingivitis: is the…

Adults Can Benefit From Fluoride Treatments, Too

satisfied female dental patient in dental chair showing thumb up

For optimum oral health, it is common knowledge that children need fluoride as their teeth are erupting throughout childhood, usually between ages 5 and 17. In fact, many studies show that lack of fluoride directly contributes to dental decay. But did you know that fluoridation is beneficial for adults also? Fluoride is prevalent in municipal…

Make Dental Visits a Priority

satisfied woman after dental treatment looking at her teeth in mirror

Life often requires you to make a list of priorities so that you can dig deep into what really matters and commit yourself to them. Many times, a health scare or a close loss puts life into perspective and really forces you stop and think about what matters. On many people’s priority lists are things…

Pregnancy Gingivitis

dentist consulting young woman sitting in dental chair

Pregnancy is a time in life of total anticipation. Whether it is your first pregnancy or your fifth, whether you found out the gender of your new baby or are waiting to be surprised on his/her birthday – the anticipation of finally meeting a new life is very exciting. Many women tend to feel that…

Gum Recession

dentist and concerned female patient in dental chair pointing at her lower jaw

Your mouth is a complex mechanism that has a direct correlation to the rest of your body. Many people mistakenly believe that they can ignore certain issues within the mouth because they assume that they will just go away on their own. The fact is, however, that the mouth was not designed to heal itself.…

Good Dental Routine

woman brushing teeth

If you have a goal that you want to achieve, it is necessary to put a plan into action to help you achieve it. While many people forget that optimal oral health is a lofty goal, they often leave their oral health to chance. However, developing a good dental routine is essential because healthy smiles…

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Dentistry should be as affordable as it is high-quality. At Peninsula Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, we firmly believe that the terms of a dental insurance plan (or lack thereof) should not dictate the quality of care our patients deserve. That’s why we are pleased to offer our in-house savings plan.

Now, patients who are uninsured can STILL save on general, preventative, and even ortho services!

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538 Savannah Hwy
Charleston SC 29407

Monday - Thursday 8am - 5pm
Lunch break: 1pm - 2pm

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Wappoo Road

839 Wappoo Road
Charleston SC 29407

Monday - Thursday 8am - 5pm
Lunch break: 1pm - 2pm

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(843) 896-3901
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