When you lose multiple teeth, your life can change. You may not be able to eat the same foods, and your smile no longer looks the same – missing teeth can affect your health, appearance and confidence. Dentures are the traditional option for restoring a complete smile, but they have limitations. At Peninsula Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, we offer advanced solutions in smile restorations, including implant-supported dentures.
Conventional dentures are a better option than living without teeth, but they are not ideal for many of our patients. Dentures take time to adjust to, and many people have difficulty with these devices slipping or moving when they eat or talk. Implant-supported or fixed overdentures offer better performance, convenience and comfort for those who need teeth replacement. There is no slipping, no adhesives and no need to remove your teeth – just a new smile that can give you back your confidence.
Benefits of Choosing Overdentures
Implant overdentures use dental implants to support and secure the dentures in place. Dental implants are titanium posts inserted into the jawbone, which fuse to the bone for a permanent anchor. Implant-supported dentures connect to the dental implants to give them more strength and security. Most implant overdentures require four to eight implants per arch. The benefits of choosing overdentures with implants over traditional dentures include:
- No slipping or moving when eating, laughing or talking
- No need for gritty adhesives
- Overdentures with implants offer improved chewing force
- Dental implants can help preserve bone structure for a more youthful appearance
Implant-supported dentures feel and look more like your natural teeth. Patients love that they can leave their dentures in and not need to remove them at night. Unlike traditional dentures, you will not worry about your teeth shifting or popping out in social situations, giving you more confidence to enjoy your life.
If you have been considering dentures to restore your smile, explore the possibility of implant-supported dentures. To learn more, contact us at Peninsula Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in Charleston, SC, to schedule an implant overdenture consultation.