Originally from a small town in northern New York State, Meaghan attended State University of New York at Potsdam. In 2013, Meaghan obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Speech Communications. After graduation, Meaghan and her boyfriend Leigh decided to move to Charleston to begin a new life in the lowcountry.
After becoming involved in the dental community, Meaghan decided to pursue her passion for dental hygiene by enrolling in the dental hygiene program at Trident Technical College in Charleston, South Carolina. Since receiving her state license as a Registered Dental Hygienist, Meaghan strives to give her patients the best quality of care in a positive, friendly manor. For each patient she treats, Meaghan dedicates herself to educating patients on their oral health needs which in turn, helps them to maintain a systemic healthy lifestyle.
In her spare time, Meaghan enjoys boating with Leigh and their pup, Sydney. In addition to discovering all of Charleston’s hidden treasures, Meaghan also enjoys crafting and meeting new people.